You can use this set of reference data to map completion indicators to progress codes.
Select the Exclude from SDR check box to specify that an enrolment with this progress code is excluded from the Course Enrolment file and the Course Completion file when the SDR process is run.
If the progress code of the enrolment is changed to one which does not have the Exclude from SDR flag set, then this enrolment is included in subsequent SDR processing.
The inclusion of learners/courses in SDR processing is described in the following:
- Student file - the learner is included in the Student file if they have one or more enrolments, and the progress code does not have the Exclude from SDR flag set
- Course Register file - the course is included in the Course Register file if there are one or more enrolments on that course, and the progress codes do not have the Exclude from SDR flag set
Course withdrawal - if a learner withdraws from a qualification or course during the specified period for change of enrolment and withdrawal (for example: 30 days), their enrolment is cancelled and not included in the SDR
To manage this, setting the progress code of their enrolment to one which has the Exclude from SDR flag set, will exclude them from the SDR returns.